Dr. Mark Bortz PhD.
Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Mark Bortz PhD.
Clinical Psychologist
Bortz M. (2023) At the Crossroads of Death and Life: Mourning, Purpose and the Orphan Archetype. Journal of Sandplay Therapy.
Bortz M. (2020) A Conversation with Maria Kendler. Journal of Sandplay Therapy.
Bortz, M. (2017) Images and Symbols of Creation and Destruction in Alchemy, Sandplay and our Never Ending Struggle Towards Wholeness. Journal of Sandplay Therapy.
Bortz, M. (2013). A Jungian Approach to Understanding and Treating Adopted Children who were Traumatized Prior to their Adoption. In Voicing Trauma and Truth: Narratives of Disruption and transformation Edited Oliver and Peter Bray. Inter-Disciplinary Press. Oxford.
Bortz. M. (2009). Tomorrow Belongs to Me: An Image of the Dangerous Puer.
Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche.
Bortz, M. (1994). Regressive Reunion with Early Object Relations in Men During Their Transition to Fatherhood. California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego.